

Embera tourist ethnovillage.

“KIPHARA TE”1, is a project property of the indigenous community Embera Phusabidara2 “Boca de Jagua”, which has a population of 380 making up 75 families. The community has to its head a local Council, which operates in association with the Superior Indigenous Council of the Pacific Coast – CAMIZCOP, which is a subsidiary of the Association of Indigenous Councils ASOREWA, which is part of the National Indigenous Organization of Colombia - ONIC.
It has 3 “tambos”3 or house of accommodation, each with a capacity of 8 people, for a total of 24 visitors accommodated in beds and one greater tambo which can house up to 60 visitors accommodated in tents, for a total capacity of 84 visitors.

In the service area, the project offers a tambo for hosting, a tambo for gifts and souvenirs, a tambo for kitchen, one greater tambo for meetings, gatherings and presentations, an electrically powered health tambo for toilets and two tambos for dialogue. In total Kiphará te, consists of 10 tambos. Additionally, it has a small tambo for the administration of the solar power system and a structure for collecting rainwater, which supplies the system of the ethnovillage.

Associated with the initiative of tourist services, there are various products on offer: 5 eco trails with differents scenic attractions, two waterfall-spa, two viewpoints and a traditional Embera crop. 5 living room products: two ritual body-painting experiences and health therapies, and three shows of traditional dance, music and

1 Houseofthejagua.

2 Inhabitantofthecoast.
3 . Embera Traditional housing, bohio roun-shaped and without divisions.

arts made with natural fibers and wood carving. In addition, there are entertainment products such as the Embera’s children's games, competences in management of water transport, practices in the handling of hunting gear (the Emberara have been one of the hunting peoples of Colombia); finally, we offer crafts and traditional foods of the Embera ethnic people. All products are designed to be shared with visitors, the traditions and concepts of the Embera in relation to their vital environment.

The location of the ethnovillage is the national park of Utría and it is a decision of the community of “Boca de Jagua” to declare preserved under the ethnic autonomy all areas involving the operation of the ethnovillage tourist products.
The locating of the conglomerate and the ethnovillage was done with the criteria of prevention of natural phenomena that may be linked to climate change such as tsunami, tidal waves or increase of the level of the ocean tides, since the Nuqui zone is declared at risk of such events.
The productive traditional Embera activities are realized with cropping of different species of different use on a rotating basis, which enables the ecological connectivity, the maintenance of the biodiversity with the permanence of the vegetation cover soil and the preservation of its dynamics.

The project is located in the community of “Boca de Jagua”, in the lower part of the river Chori, municipality of Nuqui, Department of Chocó, Colombia.
Boca de Jagua, is a community that is reached easily. Nuquí is accessed from anywhere in the country by air. There are direct flights to Bahía Solano4 or Nuqui coming daily from Medellin and Quibdo.
The Chocó Pacific region has beautiful places that have evolved without transformations; in addition, during five months of the year - between June and November – the Yubarta whales visit, which provides a beautiful show with their jumps. There is currently a considerable number of providers of tourist services in the area receiving national and foreign visitors throughout the year.
4 MunicipalitylocatedinthenorthofthetownofNuqui.

The project arises in the context of searches for answers to the crisis of the traditional production system by communities and institutions, some of which were linked in the execution of the project "Incorporation of traditional knowledge associated with agro-biodiversity in Colombian agroecosystems", sponsored by the GEF, managed by the PNUD, directed by the MADS5 and executed by various regional and local entities, in the case of the pilot of the Tribugá Gulf, the IIAP6, CAMIZCOP7 y RISCALES8. One of the effects of this project was the evaluation and reactivation of mechanisms for the protection of traditional knowledge associated to agrobiodiversity.

The national government with the implementation of the “Covenant by prosperity (Pacto por la prosperidad)” number 45 approved the project presented by the community of Boca de Jagua, which was supported by the Vice Minister of tourism, to building the tourist etnoaldea, now called Kiphara Te.
The community received the ethnovillage and formed an Association for its operation, which was in charge of formalizing the company with the support of the Chamber of Commerce of Quibdo.
The IIAP invited a group of entities to form a coalition of friends of Kiphara Te, among which are the Technological University of Choco - UTCH, the Claretian University Foundation - UNICLARETIANA, the National Training Service - SENA Quibdó, the Chamber of Commerce of Quibdó, the Corporation Society and Development - CDS, the Foundation for Biodiversity and Life - FBV. This group of entities is committed to strengthening the social capital of Kiphara Te and have done days of identification and development of tourism products associated with the ethnovillage.
5 Ministryofenvironment,housingandsocialdevelopment. 6 Institute of environmental research in the Pacific. 7 GreatestindigenouscabildoofthePacificCoast. 8 CommunityGeneralCouncilofblackcommunitiesofNuqui.

Design and construction: held in the dialogue of knowledges among wise traditional connoisseurs of how to build their houses "Te" in Emberá, "Tambo" or “Bohío” in Spanish with the architects and engineers, arriving at a proposal for improvement of the traditional structure in its resistance to the frequent earthquakes in the area which lies on the geological fault Utría; in its durability by the improvement of the slope of the roof, resulting in the resistance of the "Palm of bitter and cuchilleja"9 used for this purpose.

Ecology. The construction was done using timber crops with treatment of warrantable immunization materials for up to 30 years. Wild extraction materials were minimal and exploited with measures of thinning that ensures the survival of seed reserves. The palms of bitter and cuchillejas were exploited only with the pruning of leaves, leaving the plants to continue their life cycles. The tourist services offered will be used according to their capacity to prevent alterations of ecological resilience.
Culture. Kiphara Te is a proposal that is part of life plans and preservation of the 9 Palm in the middle, which is used for roofing the dwellings of the Embera indigenous communities.
Embera people considered by the Constitutional Court of Colombia in danger of extinction, particularly because of the weakness of its traditional production system based on hunting, the environmental supply and handling of cultivations in the middle of the forest. A demanding system on workmanship, which decreases with the absence of opportunities for basic and essential services, and as a result of an education that is forming people for professional exercises that does not exists in the community.

Offers the share forms of management of the environment and the embera Cosmology concepts: from the way of accommodation in beds that resemble the traditional “damagua”10 to rest, bathrooms and sinks carved in fine wood by craftsmen traditional housing with the structure of the worlds listed in the embera cosmology, products developed from the combination of attractives places and cultural expressions, all for sharing the traditions of vitally important and part of the embera language as body-painting and mechanisms of management of culture and arts of hunting, fishing and water transport.

Kiphara Te is also an answer to a history of political and ethnic conflicts that have settled the unit of the afro people and embera recruitment of young people for the
10 Extracted bark of the Poulsenia armata (Miq) Standl, used by the indigenous communities as a rest material.
war, selective deaths by betrayal and mistrust. Thus, the project innovates in an alternative way of preparing for the post-conflict political trading in Colombia. It articulates the interests of the neighboring Jurubira community11, which also offers tourist services. In addition, the providers of tourist services in the area will have new destinations for their activities.
Kiphare Te innovates in the region and in Colombia to introduce a new modality of administering the gods of the Community through a partnership composed of members of the community that exercise the management of the etnoaldea and its functions ensuring the generate of employment, increase the income of the families of the communities involved in tourism in the area, benefit from a responsible culture environmental resources and ecosystem services.

Corporate imaginary. For the embera in the area, the concept of enterprise within the market economy is unknown, for them is a novelty the appropriation of the concept and of course will be marked by elements who have culturally had their traditional practices of exchange of services.
Income generation. In the Embera communities exists the occupation, not the employment, this initiative innovates with the creation of the concept of employment, is expected at this early stage to be around 10 direct jobs and achieved a balance business to double this number. In addition, different mechanisms of marketing products that will increase the income of the Embera and Afro families associated to the activities of Kiphara Te will be created. Crafts, food, transportation, guides, among others, will be the scenarios of generation of goods and services marketables around the activities of the etnoaldea.
11 Rural area of the municipality of inhabited by Afrocolombian population. Nuquí,


1. Colombiaiswithintheelegiblecountries.

2. It'sacommunityinniciativeofanethnicAboriginalpeople
3. Accomplish the criteria of selection according to the following table
  •   Organizational strengthening.
  •   Territorial and cultural empowerment.
  •   Physical infrastructure (access to the community, prospect
    of aqueduct, connectivity, clean energy).
  •   Declaration of protection under the ethnic autonomy of
    forest and biodiversity areas.
  •   Restoration of banks of runway of the Chori River and
    creeks Jagua, Número, Tres Meses.
  •   Program for strengthening food security from a) associated
    crops with the traditional model with rest of the soil, ecological connectivity and natural restoration; b) management of wildlife, fish and minor species.
  •   Local adaptation to climate change with general measures for the conservation of the ecosystem of mangrove and very humid forest, the location of the conglomerate and the refurbishment of the housing.
Community leadership
The initiative arises and is led by the Boca de Jagua community with the leadership of their Local Cabildo in partnership with CAMIZCOP, zonal Council and ASOREWA12, regional organization.
A business organization was created like a Corporation for the management of the services of the etnoaldea, under the control and supervision of the local political authority and support from the zonal and regional area.
Kiphara Te is created under strategic alliances:
INTRAETHNIC: with the Embera Phusabidara communities of the area, linked through the Greater Cabildo - CAMIZCOP. With the Councils of the region of the Chocó department through the Association of Cabildos ASOREWA and linked with Aboriginal organizations on the national agenda through the ONIC.
INTERETHNIC: with the Local Council of black communities of Jurubira and with the General Community Council the RISCALES.
INSTITUCIONAL: on the national agenda with the Ministry of Commerce, the Industry of Tourism, and the Vice-Ministry of Tourism; regional with the IIAP, UTCH, CCQ, UNICLARETIANA, CSD, CBV, SENA, CODECHOCO ACDIVOCA; zonal with the municipality of Nuqui, Utría Natural National Park and the Tourism inter-institutional table.
All certifiable
Innovation and transfer
Innovate in the model: first initiative of this kind with the Embera people of Colombia and in the Chocó region of Colombia.
12 Association of Embera Indigenous Cabildos Indígenas, Wounaan, Katío, Chamí y Tules of the Chocó department.
  •   Organizational strengthening.
  •   Territorial and cultural empowerment.
  •   Physical infrastructure (access to the community, prospect 
    of aqueduct, connectivity, clean energy). 
  •   Declaration of protection under the ethnic autonomy of 
    forest and biodiversity areas. 
  •   Restoration of banks of runway of the Chori River and 
    creeks Jagua, Número, Tres Meses. 
  •   Program for strengthening food security from a) associated 
    crops with the traditional model with rest of the soil, ecological connectivity and natural restoration; b) management of wildlife, fish and minor species. 
  •   Local adaptation to climate change with general measures for the conservation of the ecosystem of mangrove and very humid forest, the location of the conglomerate and the refurbishment of the housing.
Innovate in the culture: is an innovative way of strengthening the cultural and territorial roots in the Emberá people, threatened by increasing migration, particularly of the young people in search of employment opportunities.
Innovate in the versatile: is an initiative that enables different production activities: transport, guide, accommodation, meals, handicrafts, marketing, management, folklore, traditions, among others.
Innovate in conservation: protect, recover and restore nature and culture.
Transfer technology: The construction of the etnoaldea was made in the dialogue of knowledge (traditional and technical); the strengthening of food security plan will include exchanges that lead to the improvement of technological traditions.
Empowerment of women and social inclusion

The maximum leader of the community is a woman governor. Women are the majority among operators of the etnoaldea.

The etnoaldea has reactivated the roofs, courtyard cultivation structure managed by women.
The resiliency, adaptability and self-sufficiency
The initiative seeks to reduce the vulnerability of the community to different risks, strengthening its self-sufficiency in the cultural and territorial governance.
The pursuit for well-being is made both for visitors and members of the community. The motto is share the wellness of the community of Boca de Jagua with the visitors.
The development of tourism products is linked to the improvement of the adaptability to climate change, exceeding the limits that this may impose on the local population in productive, navigability, floods and droughts of runways, changes in tides, etc.


Security staffing
The Vice-Ministry of tourism gave endowment of mattresses, but without beds, linen and kitchen implements, but without shelves to conserve them, solar panels require enclosure, the kitchen and handicrafts made in wood require a coating to achieve the international standards of asepsis that provide security in the handling of food and drinking water; lingerie washing requires a washing machine and a system of accumulation and supply of rain water, because the river is murky and stain the fabric. These needs require an investment of approximately $100.000.000 (one hundred million pesos), equivalent to 34.000 Euros
Furnishing of tourist products
Trails, scenic sightings, creeks, waterfalls points required to be conditioned with safety railings, pedestrian bridges, rest houses and sighting towers of biodiversity in trees and maritime landscapes and forest. These needs require an investment of approximately $90.000.000 (ninety million pesos), equivalent to 30.000 Euros
Social capital formation for the enterprise
The Embera requires productive alternatives that lead them to recover food sovereignty and security and also to bring them to rescue young people who have studied and not having opportunities to exercise their professions have had to emigrate, diminishing more and more labor and brains for the strengthening of the economy and the defence of culture and territory.
Kiphara Te is a project that can have the characteristics to meet the above needs, however, to make this possible requires an accompaniment for the appropriation of certain cultural values that do not exist or are very weak in the community traditions. Among them, the communication because it is necessary that young people learn better the Spanish and have notions of other languages with potential visitors such as English, French, Italian, etc.; the handling and preparation of food, the embera have an important gastronomy, however it is necessary that they appropriate management practices and presentation standards of hospitality; attention to the client, the embera do not have practices in reception of visitors. In addition, these are a series of behaviors of the discipline of tourism that is not only required the transmission of knowledge, but accompanying that gradually leads to properly take these values from their own culture.
To respond to these needs, the Local Council of Boca de Jagua has made agreements with institutions that can ordinarily dictate courses, but is difficult for them the continuous support for seasons, so it is necessary to invite national and international entities that have potential in these areas to provide internships, theses simple accompaniment with agreed goals. The community can only provide accommodation and part of the alimentation with the products generated in the area. It must be a prior consultation with the authorities of the Etnoaldea and the community. We consider an excellent opportunity for foreign or domestic students and professionals who wish to exercise an act of solidarity with a noble cause and which, in turn, serve them holiday entertainment and cultural shared.
Comfort and well-being of tourists

The etnoaldea in this aspect has a few requirements ranging from advertising and marketing with editing videos, mounting of promotion and marketing plans, provision of means of transport, training in the maritime and fluvial transport, construction and endowment of a health centre, training of paramedical personnel and regular visits to the preventive basic and specialized health care, provision of a team of capturing sounds and videos that serve as inputs to renew the etnoaldea, training a team embera and afro to produce sound-slide shows or presentations and manage the media. To respond to these needs and others needs related with the community authorities and the Kiphara Te make a call to national and international entities who can establish relationships (via agreements, letters of intent, twinning of processes, projects, or others) to support one or more aspects in limited or prolonged periods.